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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

por PRPG publicado 29/07/2020 13h15, última modificação 03/09/2020 10h46

Communiqué 01/2020 / PRPG, which guides the Graduate Programs, in accordance with Ordinance 90/2020 / GR / Rectory / UFPB, and informs the means of communication provided by the Dean of Graduate Studies .



BASE: Ordinance No. 90/2020 / Office / UFPB, of March 17, 2020; Ordinance No. 36 / CAPES, of March 19, 2020; Official Notice. No. 10 / CAPES, of 27.03.2020; Explanatory Note to PRPG, of 20.03.2020.   


CTA / UFPB DECISION, Ordinance No. 90/2020 / GR / UFPB: 

Art. All classes, newsstands, events and selective processes are suspended in person.  




Art. 1 To recommend that the deadlines for defense of dissertation or thesis, in person, be suspended for a period of 60 (sixty) days. 


1. Considering the validity of Ordinance No. 90/2020 / GR / Reitoria / UFPB, containing the measures adopted by the Federal University of Paraíba to contribute to the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus, PRPG decided to suspend classes, newsstands, events and processes selective in person, EXPLANATING, by means of a Note, the measures that are being taken to ensure compliance with the Ordinance, but guaranteeing modes of migration from the physical to the virtual mode.

2. By this means, he communicates that:

2.1. The units that make up the administrative structure of PRPG will operate in a remote work regime during the term of the aforementioned ordinance;

2.2. Official communications will be published on the UFPB websites ( https://www.ufpb.br/ ) and PRPG ( http://www.prpg.ufpb.br/ ), sent via SIGAA, SIPAC and forwarded to the electronic addresses registered at the institution;   

2.3. The processes and demands will be received and attended to through SIPAC;  

2.4. For stricto sensu post-graduate courses, the qualification and defense boards for dissertation or thesis, in person, must be suspended for 60 (sixty) days, advising that they be carried out through the use of technologies. distance communication, unless, in exceptional cases, the specifics of the PPG do not allow it. According to Capes, “it is important to highlight that the indicator for the evaluation process arising from this activity will be used by few evaluation areas in this quadrennium, and even the areas that use it, attribute reduced weight,

2.5. For lato sensu postgraduate courses, it is recommended that the Course Completion Work (TCC) defenses be carried out by using distance communication technologies;

2.6. Regarding the selection processes in progress, it is recommended that tests and interviews be done remotely. If this is not possible, check the possibility of relocating the in-person stage to the end of the selection process, with prior disclosure of ERRATE OF THE NOTICE, however, if it is still not possible, the process should be suspended, initially for the period provided for in the Ordinance. No. 36 / Capes, 60 (sixty) days or until the second orientation;

2.7. Regarding the delivery of national diplomas or analysis of recognition of foreign diplomas, they are suspended in person. However, in urgent cases, duly justified and admitted by the COAPG coordinator, there will be face-to-face assistance to the interested person, who must schedule the time in advance by electronic means;

2.8. Consultations and requests may be made by sending electronic correspondence to the following institutional addresses:  


● Pro-Rectory:     proreitora@prpg.ufpb.br;
● Office of the Pro-Rectory:     sec.prpg@gmail.com  ;
● General Coordination for Monitoring and Evaluation of Stricto and Lato Sensu Postgraduate Programs and Courses - CAAPG:     caapg@prpg.ufpb.br / intercaapg@prpg.ufpb.br  ;
● General Coordination for the Operationalization of Postgraduate Activities - COAPG:  diplomas@prpg.ufpb.br / acknowledgment@prpg.ufpb.br  ;
● Social Service:     servicosocial@prpg.ufpb.br  ;
● Financial Activities Division - DAF:     daf@prpg.ufp.br / Bolsas@prpg.ufpb.br




BASE: Resolution 79/2013 / Consepe; Ordinance 90/2020 / Office / UFPB, of 17.03.2020; Ordinance No. 36 / CAPES, of March 19, 2020; Circ. No. 10 / CAPES, of March 27, 2020; Explanatory Note to the PRPG, of 20.03.2020


CTA / UFPB DECISION, Ordinance no. 90/2020 / CABINET / UFPB:


3rd. All classes, newsstands, events and selective processes are suspended in person. 




Article 1 To recommend that the deadlines for defending a dissertation or thesis, in person, be suspended for a period of 60 (sixty) days.


  1. Considering the validity of Ordinance No. 90/2020 / GR / Rectory / UFPB, containing the measures adopted by the Federal University of Paraíba to contribute to the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus, PRPG decided to suspend classes, newsstands, events and selective processes in face-to-face regime, EXPLANATING, by means of a Note, the measures that are being taken to ensure compliance with the Ordinance, but guaranteeing modes of migration from the physical to the virtual mode;

PRPG is issuing this COMMUNICATE No. 02/2020 to discipline pre-banking exams, qualification boards and defense boards for final master's and doctoral work, based on the following provisions of Resolution 79/2013 / Consepe:


Art. 80. The defense of the final work will be made in public session. 

Single paragraph. The defense of final work through the videoconference system will be admitted to UFPB, following the same precepts of the face-to-face defense as established by this regulation, and there may be adaptations of an operational nature that may be necessary. 

Art. 82. The final work will be judged by an examining committee chosen in the manner established in art. 15, item III, paragraph h of this regulation, composed of the advisor (s), without the right to judgment, and by:


§1 The chairmanship of the examining committee will be exercised by the first supervisor, in the case of the participation of two supervisors.

§6º After the public session for presentation and defense of the final work is closed, the examining committee, in secret session, will deliberate on the result of the exam, which will be recorded in the minutes, duly signed by the members of the commission and by the student. ), upon becoming aware of the result. 

Through this, PRPG announces that:


  1. For stricto sensu postgraduate courses , while the suspension of classroom activities lasts, the qualification and defense panels for dissertation or thesis must be carried out remotely through the use of distance communication technologies, unless, in exceptional cases, the specifics of the PPG do not allow it;


    1. The disclosure of the board must occur in the PPG Internal Bulletin or equivalent, if any, and also on the PPG homepage, with full indication of the title of the work, authorship, composition of the board, date, time of performance and link of the video call;


    1. The public minutes document must be forwarded by the PPG to the professor guiding the academic work before the beginning of the remote defense session;


    1. At the end of the session, having deliberated, the external members must sign the document and return it scanned immediately to the President of the bank, who must attest as a witness of the signature. Then, this document must be scanned and inserted in SIPAC, for return to the PPG, with the signatures of the internal members digitally collected on the document.

    2. The PPG secretariat must provide the necessary assistance for holding the defense panel with regard to documentation and dissemination of the activity.











Ordinance No. 36, MARCH 1, 2020  -  Provides for the exceptional suspension of deadlines for the defense of a dissertation or thesis within the scope of Capes scholarship grant programs.

Ordinance No. 090 / GR / Rectory / UFPB  -  Provides for prevention measures and adaptation of the functioning of the Federal University of Paraíba to official determinations regarding the public health emergency resulting from the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

PRPG Ordinance No. 54, OF MAY 22, 2020  (AMENDED by Ordinance 63/2020 / PRPG / UFPB, of September 1, 2020) - Provides for the regulation, on an exceptional and temporary basis, of Postgraduate Activities, with regard to the continuation of selection processes, enrollments in a regular and / or continuous flow regime, exceptional offers of curricular components, proficiencies, qualification boards and final exams, research and other remote activities for Graduate Studies, during the period of social isolation imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic, in view of the supplementary school calendar approved by the Higher Council for Education, Research and Extension (Consepe) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB ). "Ordinance 54/2020 / PRPG / UFPB, of May 22, 2020, AMENDED by Ordinance 63/2020 / PRPG / UFPB, of September 1, 2020"

Ordinance No. 120/2020 / GR / REITORIA / UFPB  -  Provides for measures to prevent and adapt the functioning of the Federal University of Paraíba to official determinations regarding the public health emergency arising from the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

 Ordinance No. 63/2020 - PRPG - GAB / SEC -  Amends Ordinance No. 54/2020 / PRPG / UFPB, to provide for the gradual and safe return of laboratory activities, in compliance with the protocols allowed by current biosafety guidelines due of the pandemic, and on the cotutela plans in the remote modality.

PRPG Ordinance No. 64, OF SEPTEMBER 01, 2020  -  Deals with the internal regulation of the provisions of Ordinance Capes No. 121, of August 19, 2020, which amends Ordinance Capes No. 55, of April 29, 2020, expanding the possibility exceptional extension of masters and doctoral scholarships for up to 6 months, in cases where the pandemic of COVID 19 has affected the development of academic activities (teaching and research) of current fellows, within the scope of the stricto sensu graduate program at the Federal University Paraíba (UFPB).



OPINION no. 00093/2020 / DEPJUR / PFUFPB / PGF / AGU



Circular Letter nº 10/2020-DAV / CAPES

Circular Letter nº 17/2020-GAB / PR / CAPES


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