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Seed Platform

por PRPG publicado 04/08/2020 14h14, última modificação 04/08/2020 14h14

The Dean of Graduate Studies at UFPB, in partnership with STI (Information Technology Superintendence), with the IT department of the Evaluation Directorate (DAV) Capes and the PPG in Information Science, generate a platform for preliminary evaluation of the UFPB Graduate Programs. This is an institutional process, carried out in time prior to the Evaluation by the SUCUPIRA platform, in order to meet the purposes of monitoring and raising the quality standard of UFPB's PPGs, with a view to raising the concept in Capes' evaluation.

Thus, the PRPG-Semente platform was generated and a team of Appraisers was formed, which should, in this inaugural version of the platform, analyze and assign a grade to the qualitative part of the assessment form, which is equivalent to one third of the PPG grade.


Evaluation Team






Forwarding of the photo of the UFPB graduate program, year 2019, by the Capes IT team

March 10

Training of the evaluator team

March 17

Evaluation by ad hoc consultants

18.03 to 20 April

Implementation period of the changes recommended by the PPGs

April 21st to 24th

Approval by PRPG and sending to Capes

April 25th to 30th



Audiovisual productions




Evaluative Processes (SUCUPIRA) -   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwNzmeVqlFRpk2D-XHHvZQH3DvhbpuFMn 

CAPES Evaluation Processes - ADMINISTRATION Area -  https://youtu.be/V_Vv3chbRXU

CAPES Evaluation Processes - NUTRITION Area -  https://youtu.be/gdPeVh4OCU4




Tutorial Seed and StelaExperta - 2020