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por PRPG publicado 13/08/2020 12h00, última modificação 13/08/2020 12h08

CIRCULAR MEMORANDUM Nº 102/2019 - PROGEP (11.00.58) 

Title: Leave and Training License - New procedures


The Dean of Personnel Management of the Federal University of Paraíba communicates to all active employees that, since September 6, 2019, Decree No. 9,991 / 2019, which provides for the National Policy for the Development of People from the direct, autarchic and foundational federal public administration, who also regulate provisions of Law No. 8,112 / 90, regarding licenses and leave for development actions.

The purpose of the Decree is to promote the development of public servants in the competencies necessary for the exercise of the position, contributing to the construction of excellence in the performance of the agencies, entities of the direct, autarchic and foundational federal public administration.

Progep received information about development needs from the managers until 10/15/2019, which will be prioritized in the year 2020. However, a careful study will be necessary for the adequacy of the UFPB regulations (Resolution No. 07/2004 / CONSEPE, Resolution No. 09/2005 / CONSEPE, Resolution No. 25/2014 / CONSUNI and Resolution No. 03/2015 / CONSUNI), to the new guidelines established by the Federal Government.


Thus, Progep communicates the following guidelines and measures that must be followed in administrative processes related to leave or leave for development actions:


  1. Proceedings before Decree nº 9,991 / 2019, until 09/05/2019, referring to civil servants already approved in strictu sensu postgraduate courses or in a postdoctoral program, will be analyzed based on the regulations in force until the date of the request;
  2. Proceedings assessed after the effectiveness of Decree No. 9,991 / 2019, as of September 6, 2019, will be analyzed based on the aforementioned Decree and Normative Instruction No. 2019 of the Secretariat of Personnel Management and Performance, and Progep will request the adaptation of the process to the necessary information for the analysis (the exoneration or the dismissal of the position in commission or function of trust eventually occupied, from the date of the departure of the removal ; information on the time or place of the development action that proves the impossibility of complying with the server's weekly working hours);
  3. To grant the training license, the immediate head of the server must justify whether the development action is relevant to the position / unit and the Institution, and whether the removal of the server will make the unit's operation unfeasible, as well as inform the periods of greatest demand of workforce;
  4. The processes of leave or leave for training that have a closing date from 02/28/2020, the maximum period for the return of the PDP with the technical manifestation by the Ministry of Economy, should be carefully analyzed by the managers and civil servants, considering the need to adapt to the aforementioned Decree;
  5. Progep will not appreciate the merits of requests already granted in the Departments and Centers, being the entire responsibility of each manager and server to fully comply with the regulations in force;
  6. Withdrawals may be interrupted at any time, at the request of the server or in the interest of the administration, by issuing a new act by the competent authority.



  1.  Licenses for training to carry out development actions in person or at a distance and in participation in a face-to-face course or exchange for foreign language learning, when recommended for the exercise of their activities, as attested by the immediate leadership, will only be granted if the weekly workload is more than 30 hours a week;
  2. No training license will be granted for the elaboration of a functional progression memorial, preparation of a scientific article, or other development actions that are not provided for in the PDP sent by the unit managers;
  3.  When the training license is granted in installments, the minimum gap of 60 (sixty days) between any new periods of training license enjoyment must be observed;
  4. Any and all removal process (very short duration, leave for training, study or mission abroad, removal to attend strictu sensu postgraduate courses), must contain the following information and documents:


The. place where it will be held;
B. expected workload;
ç. period of the planned leave, including the period of transit, if any, with the prior presentation of supporting documents being waived;
d. promoting institution, if any;
and. estimated costs directly related to the action, if any; and
f. estimated costs for daily and tickets, if any
g. justification regarding the interest of the public administration (attested and declared by the Immediate Head) in that action, aiming at the development of the civil servant;
H. manifestation of the immediate head of the server, with his agreement regarding the request;
i. request for exoneration from the position on commission or waiver of the trust function, in the cases of §1 of art. 18 of Decree No. 9,991, of 2019.

5. The processes must be submitted to Progep for analysis with a maximum period of 45 days from the date of departure of the leave;

6. In no event may any employee be absent from activities before the publication of the removal concession;

7. As of 02/01/2020, there will be no homologation of retroactive leave carried out by the civil servants, even if authorized by the immediate superiors, which have not been analyzed by Progep;

8. The functionality of removal of very short duration through the SIGRH system will be disabled until the necessary adjustments are made, in view of the adaptation to the current rules;

9. The leave / leave processes for development actions should no longer be sent to COAPG / PRPG or ATPLAN / PROGEP, but to CPPD / PROGEP in the case of teachers and DECP / PROGEP in the case of technical-administrative;

10. The leave / leave processes for development actions must be instructed exclusively through the forms attached to this file.


Questions regarding leave / leave for development actions should, in the case of teachers , be sent to the Permanent Teaching Personnel Commission (CPPD / Progep), by e-mail cppd@progep.ufpb.br and extension 7138. In case of technical and administrative , to the Division of Education and Vocational Training (DECP / Progep) decp@progep.ufpb.br and extension 7350.


The omitted cases will be analyzed by Progep, a sectional organ of the Civil Personnel System of the Federal Administration within the scope of UFPB.